I'm Too Old To Collect Vinyl Records

As I flipped through stacks of vinyl records in a shop in Montreal a few weeks ago, my friend said to me, you should get a turntable. I told my buddy that I was too old to start collecting vinyl and that my days of collecting things had passed and I was trying to downsize my lifestyle. I had sold off my collection of rare fine art photography books when I moved out of Boston, and more recently sold half of my fine art collection. On my 50th birthday this friend decided to disregard everything I said and presented me with a new turntable.

The fact is, I had thought about buying one on numerous occasions but always talked myself out of it. I spend a lot of money on digital music (my primary way of listening to music here in 2022) and to me it didn’t make sense.

It’s been two weeks since receiving this gift and I gotta say, it’s a change of pace. Usually I tend to just buy songs. I listen to what appeals to me and then create a playlist to listen to on repeat for a bit. Listening to an album in its entirety gives you the opportunity to listen to music the way the artist intended you to hear it, as well as sometimes, you’ll find that hidden gem tucked in toward the end of side one or two, or in some cases, sides three or four.

I promised my wife that it wouldn’t get out of hand and I would just buy albums that I would listen to on repeat that were full of great songs. So far I have kept that promise…..kinda.

p.s…..Don’t promise your wife anything. It’s only gonna get you in trouble later.