Follow Your Dreams


I took this photo in 2010 in Boston’s Chinatown district. It was one of the first Banksy street art images that I had ever encountered. As a work of art I find it interesting, as a statement, I think it sucks. 

I urge everyone to follow your dreams until all possibilities have been exhausted. Don’t go at something half-assed. If you really, truly want something, figure out a way to do it. Good things don’t come easy, and they don’t come cheap, or with short cuts. Dreams can become reality and some become surreal.

How do ordinary people become presidents, successful in business, athletes, musicians, artists, even Olympians. They all have something in common and that is drive and determination. The drive to succeed comes from within and so does determination and follow through. If you have been dreaming of doing something great, how far have you pushed yourself to actually do it?

I wish you all a Happy New Year! Let’s hope 2022 is a great one for all.