Noga Erez - Montreal Jazz Fest 2022

Noga Erez at the 2022 Montreal Jazz Fest. Photo courtesy Marie Demeire.

Noga Erez performing at the 2022 Montreal Jazz Fest. Photo courtesy Marie Demeire/Canadian Beats Media.

So…… go to a jazz fest to see jazz acts, right? Well, that was end goal as I drove from New Hampshire up to Canada for a weekend in Montreal in July. It was awesome, as I expected it to be, but I also stumbled upon a new artist (at least for me) by the name of Noga Erez. This singer who hails from Israel studied jazz piano and also wanted to sing jazz but as she explained on stage that night, and I paraphrase, there were so many other artists better than she was that she decided to change course—one that brought her more towards electronic music with a hip-hop twist.

She told the crowd that she always dreamed of playing the Montreal Jazz Fest and here she was. Dressed in a matching red tartan pant suit, she grooved to the electronic drum beat across the stage reminiscent of a young Gwen Stefani back when she fronted No Doubt.

A few of her key tracks include the songs End of the Road, Industry Baby, You So Done, Views, Off The Radar, Bark Loud, and her 2022 single Nails. For further listening, check her out on Spotify.